PDF⋙ TurboCharge Your Brain by Felice Prager
TurboCharge Your Brain by Felice Prager
TurboCharge Your Brain by Felice Prager PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
TurboCharge Your Brain is the first book in the TurboCharge Your Brain Series. The second book is called SuperTurboCharge Your Brain.These books contain a variety of quizzes, puzzles, and challenges PLUS stimulating learning content for kids (and adults) in an entertaining workbook format. It is geared toward the upper middle learner – approximately aged 10 to 17, however, that is not a rule. Younger and older children will easily find this book entertaining and challenging. The quizzes can be used alone or interactively.
Though some of the material is relatively difficult, it is uniquely set up to provide approachable and interesting content for all learners. The level of challenge also keeps the more advanced student from being bored. It provides the perfect answer to "I have nothing to do."
Unlike traditional word search and crossword puzzles, these “quizzes” were designed to get the participant to think. They are not simply time-fillers.
The book works quite well for interactive family or classroom activities when used as a source of a game. It works well as a vacation book to be taken on road trips or airplane trips. The content in the book is not so time consuming that it would interfere with schoolwork if used as additional stimulation during school days. It also does not look like work, so it is possible to offer it to your child or student without it seeming like “more homework” or punishment.
Enjoy watching your child learn and grow.
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