PDF⋙ Numberland: The World in Numbers by Mitchell Symons
Numberland: The World in Numbers by Mitchell Symons
Numberland: The World in Numbers by Mitchell Symons PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Pick at these engrossing facts one at a time, or binge on them by section to get a larger picture of the numbers that make up the world
The world is full of fascinating facts and statistics, but presented without context and in no particular order they can be overwhelming. By interpreting the world around us through numbers, you can break the most amazing and revealing of facts down to their bare bones. For example, did you know that the average eyelash lasts five months? That 400 quarter-pound hamburgers can be made out of one cow? Or that the average human will grow 590 miles of hair in their lifetime? Ordered in easily digestible sections such as "Around the World," "the USA," "Money," "Religion," and "History," navigate an ordered path through a noisy world of information overload.
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