PDF⋙ Rome [With Map] (DK Eyewitness Travel Guide)

Rome [With Map] (DK Eyewitness Travel Guide)

Rome [With Map] (DK Eyewitness Travel Guide)

Rome [With Map] (DK Eyewitness Travel Guide) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The new-look "DK Eyewitness Rome Travel Guide" - now complete with a free pull-out city map, clearly marked with sights from the guidebook - will lead you straight to the best attractions this cultural city has to offer. You'll find detailed listings of the best hotels, restaurants, bars and shops for all budgets in this fully updated and expanded guide, and insider tips on everything from soaking up the charms of the cafe scene to gaping at the ancient ruins that line the streets. And, you'll find in-depth coverage of all Rome's unforgettable sights from the Colosseum to Villa Borghese. DK's uniquely visual "Eyewitness Rome Travel Guide" includes unique cutaways, floorplans and reconstructions of the city's stunning architecture, and 3D aerial views of the best districts to explore on foot. And the new-look guide's indispensible map is so easy-to-use - keep it with the book or remove and use on its own. The map has detailed street views of all the key areas, and there are transport maps and information on how to get around, including the most useful tickets to buy for your stay. There's even a chart showing the distances between major sights for walkers. "DK Eyewitness Rome Travel Guide" shows you what others only tell you.

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