PDF⋙ Henry VIII and His Wives Paper Dolls (Dover Royal Paper Dolls) by Tom Tierney

Henry VIII and His Wives Paper Dolls (Dover Royal Paper Dolls) by Tom Tierney

Henry VIII and His Wives Paper Dolls (Dover Royal Paper Dolls)

Henry VIII and His Wives Paper Dolls (Dover Royal Paper Dolls) by Tom Tierney PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A true Renaissance man, Henry VIII was an accomplished musician, author, and poet as well as the founder and supreme head of the Church of England. Although his court was a center of scholarly and artistic innovation, the king is best remembered for his many marriages. This collection features nine dolls — one of each of the six wives, plus three of the king in early, middle, and later years. Their sixteen lavish costumes include royal armor and elegant gowns of brocaded silk, taffeta, and velvet. Each accurately rendered outfit appears with informative notes.

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