PDF⋙ London: Then and Now® People and Places by Frank Hopkinson

London: Then and Now® People and Places by Frank Hopkinson

London: Then and Now® People and Places

London: Then and Now® People and Places by Frank Hopkinson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The great tourist destinations are all included: Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, Houses of Parliament, Whitehall, Trafalgar Square, Covent Garden, the British Museum, St. Pauls Cathedral and Hyde Park, along with classic London pubs, famous theatres, the grand stations, and Carnaby Street and the Kings Road. The book travels along the Thames through Hammersmith, Barnes and Richmond out to Hampton Court, plus we get a fleeting glimpse of Chuck Berry and the Rolling Stones posing on Park Lane and walking out of court in Southcombe Street. There are Dickensian street scenes, plus 'The Old Curiosity Shop' and coaching inns that Dickens visited. Sites include: Albert Hall, Albert Memorial, Bank of England, Grosvenor Square, Chelsea, Cleopatra's Needle, Selfridges, Earls Court, Fleet Street, Soho, Haymarket, Kensington High Street, Kew Gardens, Leicester Square, Oxford Street, Paddington, Piccadilly Circus, Savoy Hotel, V&A, Natural History Museum, National Theatre, Festival Hall, Waterloo and much more.

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