PDF⋙ Accepted! 50 Successful Business School Admission Essays by Gen Tanabe, Kelly Tanabe

Accepted! 50 Successful Business School Admission Essays by Gen Tanabe, Kelly Tanabe

Accepted! 50 Successful Business School Admission Essays

Accepted! 50 Successful Business School Admission Essays by Gen Tanabe, Kelly Tanabe PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Prospective MBA students will find everything they need to prepare successful admission essays in this book. Containing 50 real essays students have written to gain admission to top business schools, this guide details the strengths of each essay, the inspiration of the student who wrote it, and what makes it a winner. The essays represent a diverse group of students and include those with traditional consulting and business backgrounds, as well as those with nontraditional backgrounds in areas such as public service, the military, and culinary arts. Crucial insights are included from business school admission officers who reveal what they are looking for in applicants, and successful applicants describe what worked for them and the mistakes they made that future applicants should avoid. Also included are strategies for the entire admission process, such as how to research the type of students that each school is seeking, ace the interview, and get powerful recommendations.

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