PDF⋙ Remaking the Democratic Party: Lyndon B. Johnson as a Native-Son Presidential Candidate by Prof. Pearl K. Ford Dowe, Prof. Hanes Walton, Josephine Allen, Brandon Walton
Remaking the Democratic Party: Lyndon B. Johnson as a Native-Son Presidential Candidate by Prof. Pearl K. Ford Dowe, Prof. Hanes Walton, Josephine Allen, Brandon Walton
Remaking the Democratic Party: Lyndon B. Johnson as a Native-Son Presidential Candidate by Prof. Pearl K. Ford Dowe, Prof. Hanes Walton, Josephine Allen, Brandon Walton PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Although ridiculed by contemporaries for his apparent lack of control over formal party politics and the national committee, Johnson excelled at leading the Democratic Party’s policy agenda. While a senator and as president, Johnson advocated for—and secured—liberal social welfare and civil rights legislation, forcing the party to break with its Southern tradition of elitism, conservatism, and white supremacy. In a way, Johnson set the terms for the continuing partisan battle because, by countering the Democrats’ new ideology, the Republican Party also underwent a transformation.
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