PDF⋙ Contemporary World Narrative Fiction and the Spaces of Neoliberalism (New Comparisons in World Literature) by Walonen
Contemporary World Narrative Fiction and the Spaces of Neoliberalism (New Comparisons in World Literature) by Walonen
Contemporary World Narrative Fiction and the Spaces of Neoliberalism (New Comparisons in World Literature) by Walonen PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This book is a transnational study of how contemporary fiction writers from the United States and Canada to Nigeria to India to Dubai have conceptualized the emergent social spaces of the diverse corners of the neoliberal world system. Over the span of the past three to four decades, free market economic policies have been sold to or pushed upon every society on the globe in some way, shape, or form. The upshot of this has been a world system structured in terms of a vast shift of power and resources from government to private enterprise, dwindling civic life replaced by rising consumerism, an emerging oligarchic rentier class, large segments of population faced with meager material conditions of existence and few prospects of socio-economic mobility, and a looming sense of a near future dominated by further economic collapses and mounting social strife. This book analyses a wide cultural array of some of the most poignant narrative engagements with neoliberalism in its various localized manifestations throughout the world.From reader reviews:
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